Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

(Updated 15/08/2022)
In the first place, the Consumer Services Act (1985:716) applies, so the purpose of these conditions is to clarify and define our delivery and use of our services.
Below, the company Hot Help AB Org.nr: 559364-6333 is referred to as Webboptimisterna. Hot Help AB Org.nr: 559364-6333) som företaget.
All information that Webboptimisterna keep about client companies / customers is never disclosed to other parties, it is only for Webboptimisterna to be able to perform their services.
The information is only disclosed if a crime will occur, and the police apply for this in accordance with Swedish law. Email conversations can be saved for the customer's needs. In order for our services to work, you who are part of an agreement with us must provide correct information, like name, address, postcode, postal address, VAT-number, mobile number and e-mail address. No damages can be claimed if the customer's website or webboptimisterna.se should be down. Support is normally given weekdays between 10:00 - 18:00.


Invoicing and Prices

All prices are in Swedish kronor (SEK) and are exclusive of VAT. We can also send invoices in euros (EUR). In this case the price in SEK is converted to EUR according to the current exchange rate on the day when the invoice is issued.
Invoicing takes place at the start of the project with 50% of the total project cost, and in the final stage, a final invoice is always issued for the remaining part of the total project cost and sent via e-mail with a 14-day payment period. Total project cost is stated in the accepted quote. If you do not pay the invoice on time, a late fee of SEK 450 is paid according to Swedish law. Should this invoice not be paid, the case goes on to the Enforcement Officer and Debt Collection, and interest is added according to law. Webboptimisterna also have the right to lock down the website if the invoice is not paid on time.
Webboptimisterna use the invoicing service Fortnox Finans AB. 



We only work with one decision maker. If the customer wants us to consider more than one opinion, the work will take longer time, which means increased cost and delayed delivery time. Decision maker is the person who signs a quote / agreement, unless otherwise stated in the quote / agreement.



What are cookies and how do they work?
A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer or in your browser when you visit a website. Just like most companies, Webboptimisterna uses cookies to facilitate and improve the user experience for you as a visitor. We also use cookies to measure traffic on our website and to collect information about how our website is used.
What are the different types of cookies?
There are essentially two types of cookies, permanent and temporary (session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile phone for a certain period of time until you or the server that sent them deletes them. Session cookies are stored temporarily and disappear when you close your browser. Cookies can also be referred to as first-party cookies or third-party cookies. First-party cookies are set by the owner of a website (in this case webboptimisterna.se) and third-party cookies are set by another website, e.g. youtube.com
Please read more about cookies here.


What do we use cookies for?
We use cookies on our website to be able to give you as a visitor a better experience and better service. When someone visits our website, session cookies are created. These cookies contain no identifiable information about you as a user and are only saved temporarily. 

Cookies for web analytics

We use cookies (first-party and third-party cookies) to collect statistics about the number of visitors to the website, about the visitors and to measure how visitors interact with the website. We do this to better understand the needs of visitors and how we can improve and develop the website.
For this we use Google Analytics. Google Analytics som hjälp för detta.
With the help of cookies via Google Analytics, we collect information about the number of visitors, which pages are visited, which browsers and which operating systems the visitors use, language, date and time of the visit. The information collected in these cookies (including your IP address) is forwarded to and stored by Google Inc. in the USA. These cookies do not contain any other personal information and because we have activated IP masking, the IP address is anonymized.

Read more about how Google uses data as well as information on how you can block cookies from Google Analytics:

You can prevent information about your visit to this website from being shared with Google Analytics by following the instructions:
https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout In that case, a so-called opt-out cookie is installed on your computer, which is a cookie that prevents future collection of data about your visit to this website. Read more about opt-out cookies at the end of this text.
Cookies for marketing purposes
In order to improve our advertising and offer our visitors more relevant offers, we also use cookies and pixel tags from Google Adwords, Bing och Facebook. Pixel tags are a technology that can recognize cookies and other identifiers and make it possible to decide which ads should be displayed by your browser.
These technologies are used to evaluate and streamline our online marketing. With the help of these cookies/tags, we can, for example, prevent the same person from seeing a banner from us several times. We may also use the information to build segments and target groups for marketing purposes and to be able to customize the advertisements and target them to relevant target groups. This may mean, for example, that we choose to show ads for contact lenses if you have shown an interest in contact lenses on our website, or that we show ads for progressive glasses to people we think may be interested.
Read more about each actor's policy:
Other third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are cookies that another party, i.e. not webboptimisterna.se, places on your device via our websites. When you visit a web page with embedded content or use a share button, e.g. from Facebook or Youtube, you may receive cookies from these websites. The Web Optimists do not control these cookies, but recommend that you visit the individual third-party websites for more information on how they are managed:


Can I delete or disable cookies?
You can choose to turn off cookies completely, or to receive a message every time a new cookie is sent to your computer or mobile. If you turn off cookies, you may experience that the website does not work satisfactorily and you will not be able to log in to Webboptimisterna.
How can I control what information is shared with advertisers?
If you want to limit the information shared with advertisers, you can download a so-called opt-out cookie from various advertising actors or use other solutions, for example youronlinechoices.comNote that you must complete the same procedure in all the different devices you use and for each browser you use.


GDPR - Storage of information

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and is a new data protection law that comes into force within the EU on May 25. The GDPR replaces the Swedish Personal Data Act (PuL). It is important to us at Webboptimisterna that you feel safe with how we handle your personal data. Therefore, we are open about how we collect and process your data. You can also get access to the data that we have saved with us by contacting us.

We need your personal data so that you can, among other things, receive offers and campaigns, receive necessary information and so that we can send invoices for selected services with us. That law means that you as a customer have a number of rights. Among other things, you have the right to receive a register extract with your personal data, such as name and contact details.

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual. Examples of this can be basic information about you such as name and contact details, but also your purchase history.
We ensure that your personal data is always protected with us, and that the processing complies with applicable data protection rules, internal guidelines and routines.


Handling of personal data within Webboptimisterna
Webboptimisterna also cooperates with other suppliers.
Situations when we process your personal data:
  • If you use our website webboptimisterna.se will process your personal data that you choose to register with.
  • If you have a direct debit solution with us, Bankgirocentralen and Fortnox handle your personal data, including bank account numbers.
  • If you pay with Swish, we receive your phone number in our bank.
  • If you represent a supplier, your contact details will be processed by webboptimisterna, e.g. to communicate with you.
  • If you apply for a job with us, the company will process the information you provide to them, e.g. CV and cover letter, to manage the recruitment process.
What personal data do we process?
  • Contact details, such as name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address.
  • Bank account information, if you filled in a direct debit consent form.
  • Other personal data, such as date of birth.


Where do we process your personal data?
Hot Help strives to process your personal data within the EU/EEA area. In cases where your data would be used outside the EU, e.g. by any of our service providers, we always ensure that they comply with data protection laws in the same secure way that we do. Today, your personal data can be processed by a company outside the EU - Stripe - but only if you make or have made a card purchase on our website. We have ensured that they follow the laws that apply to us here in the EU.
Your rights
You can mail a letter to our postal address at any time and request that we delete all data on you that we have. It may take 30 working days to process your case. We comply with laws and have internal procedures to ensure the security of your personal data. We sell e.g. never give your personal data to other companies. However, no security or encryption method can guarantee protection of information from hackers or human error. You can email us at info@webboptimisterna.se if you want to choose to end newsletter sending.
Hot Help AB
Org.nr: 559364-6333
Fleminggatan 35
112 26 Stockholm

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